I’m Just Not Good at Small Talk

By Lifecoachlindaluke @coachlindaluke

I can give speeches, lead workshops and have heartfelt conversations with clients and friends, but when it comes to small talk, I can be pretty lame.

I haven’t quite figured it out, but sometimes I say weird things that may not make sense to the other person.  My attempts at being funny often result in people looking at me quizzically, and then there are those awkward pauses when we both know the conversation is going nowhere, but aren’t sure how to get out of it.

Am I alone in this?

I don’t like uncomfortable, weird moments so I created a plan.   Here is what I am going to do:

  • Give the conversation 100% of my attention
  • Connect with the person by looking them in the eyes
  • Pause before responding to what they say
  • Ask questions that make them the focus of the conversation

Sure hope this works……..   Anyone want to join me in trying it out?