I'm Inspired, I Think.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Well, it's dawned on me that I haven't posted in quite a while.  Yes, yes I know...it's been a long time.
Anyhow, I was inspired just now to write a little post during my lunch hour.  I treated myself to a little Starbucks and sushi today.  I need to get back "into" my regular routine and literally schedule time out of each day to do my usual "routine" things.  If it's scheduled - I will do it!  How about you?  How do you schedule your "to-do's".
One thing in particular that I am getting back into is my daily workout regime.  Period.  No exceptions.  No excuses.  I'm doing it whether I like it or not and it IS very important that I do.  It's a state of mind if you will.  Literally, working out transforms my attitude and let's not forget the "ah-ha" feeling after the workout.  I simply love it and need/want/need it back!  Ha-ha, I know.  Your reading my post and thinking "wow, Heather's a bit motivated today...(your probably thinking it's the caffeine".  I'm so laughing as I'm typing this right now.
Side note:  I'm working on Easter cards for Blondie's Shop tonight.  Oh, and I'm participating in a Festival on April 7th too!  I'm contemplating cancelling my DVR and returning it...I spend a little bit of time every night managing which shows to delete...crazy, right?  I just don't have the time to watch everything.
I've switched up my reading list.  I will blog more about this later tonight.  And yes, I will include my new reading selections.  Sometimes you just need to mix things up.
Confession time...  Single life is ummm...interesting.  Dating...I have no comment on this right now (well, at least in this particular post).  And this will be no surprise...I'm missing my Chicago "crew".  I have a few close friends that live out of state and I'm so very much wishing they lived closer or that I had a Learjet at my disposal to go and see them whenever my heart desired...but, I don't.  But, it would be nice wouldn't it!  I'm funny, I know.
My life is currently a "re-work" of sorts in progress...does this make sense?  I'm re-inventing myself!  Yes, that's a great way to explain it.  And I'm on a mission to pay-off my bills.  Serious, honest to goodness, mission!  Yes, yes, yes I am.  However, I must say it's slow going.  And of course that means I need to curtail my traveling in order to do this...so, you have "me" wondering what to do with myself.  So, that means more work to be done on Blondie's Shop inventory!
Alrighty, make it an absolutely fabulous day!  I'll catch you later.