I’m Going to Blog On Icebreaker Linky

By Evette Garside @evette77

This Sunday I will be travelling to Manchester to attend the Blog On Msi 2017 conference where I will be meeting lots of brands and lots of bloggers. So that people get to know a bit about me, I'm taking part in the icebreaker linky challenge.

Here are my answers!

* Share a recent picture of you (if you are an anonymous blog, a drawing is fine)

* Describe yourself in three words

Caring, friendly, fun

*How long have you been blogging and what made you start? 4 years and 1 month. I started when my daughter was a small baby to relieve the stay at home boredom.

*What was the inspiration behind your blog name? 3 kids and always busy

What is the best thing to come from your blog so far? My big 3D television, meeting a few celebrities, programme launch in London and a retweet of my post by Sir Alan.

*Your most remembered thing from your childhood My brother being born

*Which social media platform best describes your personality and why? Twitter, I love to tweet and talk

*What would your superhero name be? Supermummy

*What would you have on your gravestone? - I wouldn't have one, I want to be cryogenically frozen 😝

What one weapon would help you survive a zombie apocalypse? Something that made me turn invisible

If you could send something into space, what would it be? My ex partner maybe