I’m Giving Away My Favorite Mug!!! It’s from Anthropologie!

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Blog friends how’s your Tuesday morning treating ya?

This morning it looked like this outside…..

and I finally felt like it was time to get out the pumpkin. When it’s 75+ degrees outside I just don’t feel like it’s fall so the pumpkin has to stay in the can. But today, in the first rainstorm of fall I knew it was finally pumpkin time.

So I decided to make pumpkin oats.

Pumpkin oats and myself do NOT have a great relationship. I don’t know what it is about pumpkin oats but I NEVER make them right. Usually, I can’t even eat the creation when they’re done. Oh pumpkin please just make my oats delicious!


To make my foolproof pumpkin oats I use

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • pinch salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp molasses
  • 1 tsp milled flax
  • a few drops vanilla
  • pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin (added to the boiling water, not stirred in at the end)

Don’t forget to dollop a spoon of sunflower seed butter in the middle.


The Giveaway to End All Giveaways!

This mug is my absolute favorite mug and I’m giving away one to a lucky reader! It’s from Anthropologie and one reader will get a mug with their letter of choice so you can enjoy tea and coffee in the best mug ever too.

This mug is perfect for cereal, tea, water, oatmeal, coffee, hot cocoa (especially with the little marshmallows), holding pens, anything really.

We can be mug buddies.

Please just leave me a comment telling me your favorite muggy drink.

Get another entry by tweeting about this giveaway on twitter and leaving me a (separate) comment that you did

Like my facebook page in my sidebar and leave a (separate) comment that you did.

Tell me about you!!! I want to know….

If you could travel anywhere in the entire world where would you go?

I’d go to Italy. I majored in art history and I’d love to see Rome.

What are your super spooky halloween plans this year?

I’m carving a bajillion pumpkins with Max and dressing in my old prom dress to hand out candy.

What did you major in in college?

Art History.