I’m Excited For…

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

TGIF. What a crazy week it has been (do I say that every week?). But for real, this week was pretty crazy. I’ve been helping Z recover from his surgery, working on a super secretive project, and catching up on blog stuff. I’ve been trying to read more blogs because there is so much useful information out there and I love reading other blogs.  It also feels good to have people read and comment, right? So I’ve been trying to do a lot more of that too. Leave me a link to your blog below and I’ll be sure to come say hello. (No rhyme intended.)

But this weekend is extra special for a few reasons…

1) My cousin is coming to visit for a few days… YAY!

2) I’m attending my first official blogging event. I was invited to attend a Brunch and Bubbles with Faviana on Sunday at the Atlanta Apparel Market! I’m seriously SO excited to go and meet some other ATL bloggers and see some of my favorite brands at such an exciting place. Someone pinch me, I can’t wait!

3) It’s Nolan’s last weekend before school starts! We are heading to his school today to meet his teachers and see his classroom and are so excited!

I’ve been kind of in the dumps and really stressed the past few days, so I’m hoping this weekend snaps me out of it. I’m ready for some R&R so we’ll keep this short and sweet today

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend as well! See you Monday