Hi all!
I'm so excited to let everyone know that I am going to be more present now. I'm sooo excited. I felt bad visiting you guys so sporadically and being so late on responses. You guys may not have noticed the absence of my stalkish behavior but I really missed it. I just finished one of the BIGGEST finals of my law school career and I'm happy to say that I survived another day (though I am not going to check that grade...ever) and I'm returning to the real world.
Well kind of...
My family has been seriously neglected and my husband has been afraid to speak to me for a month now (I can be kind of snappy during finals...ooopssey!). I'm looking forward to returning to the community, getting more than 3 hours of sleep, and READING SOME BOOKS! One more final to go!
Doing my happy dance :)
Now I have to figure out how to go to bed at a decent time. AND I hear Christmas is around the corner. What is everyone giving their loved ones for Christmas?