I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

My first day in Hong Kong was no actual joke, from that mid-morning arrival through to those afternoon settings, I still had more to discover! Taking things 'Back Again' around HK's 'Yau Ma Tei' had to be done, I wanted to have my palms read and take in those evening settings! Spot on, I miraculously found the very same Thai Restaurant that I and Kelly had dined at in 2016! Tasty!

Back in 2016, myself and my HK friend Kelly enjoyed a stroll around 'Yau Ma Tei' after our unforgettable visit to Hong Kong Island's Victoria Peak. After crossing the harbour, Kelly directed me to this intriguing part of Kowloon. Fast forward to 2023, I had actually chose to stay in Yau Ma Tei with those 2016 locations present around the corner from my chosen accommodation. After leaving my hotel during the early evening, I headed down towards Temple St Market. Matter of fact I already knew that I wanted to have my palms read. Already feeling skeptical, I wanted to make those 2016 components come back to life without even trying hard. I got exactly what I wanted, now that was like the money shot! Master Joseph, don't be funny with my money! Oh, you already knew that I felt duty bound to tell this palm reader because we shared the same name, Joseph! Would I truly believe what this palm reader foresaw in my future, those hand lines don't tell lies! So, tell me something I don't know, Master Joseph! 

I was already impressed with Master Joseph, he had worked in London and for me that was enough! I'm easily pleased, sometimes mind! Me, stubborn? I don't think! No, actually I can be very stubborn so that prediction wasn't far from the truth about my personality. Yes, Master Joe was right about me being ultra 'determined' and hit the mark because I don't listen to peoples advice. Because I prefer to rectify my own mistakes, Master Joseph wasn't wrong that I pride myself getting out of the sticky situations independently. A word of warning was bestowed to me regarding my health, you already know that I have knocked out those hangovers and try my best to hit the gym during the week! I am trying! Making those fleeting decisions told me nothing new about my fractured career history, I don't want a boring life and if that means change, I am game! Kids? No, I disagreed that children are in my future because I am content with being Uncle Joe Joe and only that! Sure, my circle is small but of the best quality! Tell me, be honest! 

I loved my life very much as I further explored the area of Yau Ma Tei, after my palm reading had finished it felt only natural to drag my feet around those city streets. I loved those dusk settings because those quieter streets glowed with the street lights omitting a perfect afterglow. I saw a barbershop, I did think about getting my hair cut because the price looked right but I didn't want to miss out on that street scene that stood before me. I felt a sense of freedom as I walked in around those Hong Kong streets, of course those familiarly marked street signs and traffic lights gave me life. For me that evening wasn't about getting boozed up at all, I was more than happy rediscovering those honest HK streets with a clear head. Crossing the boundaries, I headed closer towards Temple Street Market with a different mood in the air. No shade, I was living for that change of nature because I always embrace a certain street scene. Impromptu KTV street performances were kicking off before my eyes, people were getting their lives! I loved it! 

Temple Street Market greeted me with the same entrance gate that it had done in 2016, I applied a difference approach to time as I stood in front of the market. I knew right away that photo required patience because I had ballsed it up on the first occasions seven years previous. Knowing that it was a real treat for me to have that photo opportunity again, I made sure the lighting was just right! I don't actually care if this sounds boring because it was a big deal for me! The market itself remained the same, I felt a certain theme to the businesses along that tourist appropriate street. Certain formally dressed ladies stood outside what looked like KTV lounges, other businesses looked like 'magazine' or 'DVD' establishments of a certain kind. I sensed what nature of graft was transpiring was taking place, it wasn't any of my business nor was it a worry of mine to have made any further comment, if you ask me. Temple Street Market served a different personality, I loved that saucy and scandalous energy because I'm like that! Thai food? 

Amphawa Thai Restaurant took me back to the beginning, myself and Kelly had dined at this restaurant before we headed back to her family's apartment. I felt like it was destiny that my hotel was located just around the corner without me even realising it, I knew that my dining choice would be at Amphawa! Ordering a starter, I chose to enjoy the 'fish fritters', they were crispy on the outside and perfectly soft on the inside. A guy on the next table was enjoying his 'red curry' and you already know that is what I ordered because it looked bloody delicious! Well the guy didn't look bad also himself! Don't blame me for this fire, I was feeling very hungry! Was my curry vegetarian? I didn't know! I added some of my fish fritters into the curry because the sauce was much too good to waste! That Thai curry had me looking at flights to Thailand with the quickness, it needs to happen! Dining at that same restaurant felt correct, I told Kelly instantly where I was! It was such a memory, life truly works out for us when we least expect it! 

Keeping with the Thai theme, I responsibly enjoyed a bottle of 'Chang Beer' rather than the cheaper 'Tsingtao' option. I was almost fit to burst after my delicious starter and main course meal, I had just enough room left for dessert. I had been eyeing up that dessert menu for the longest time, before calling for the bill I ordered the 'coconut rice with mango' for afters because I wanted to! That light conclusion to my Amphawa Thai meal worked perfectly, I finished every single piece of that sweet treat because I wasn't about to waste a morsel. My evening out had been boss, getting my palms read once again was interesting to say the very least. Temple Street Market served 'Realness' with those working women standing outside those dubious looking establishments, earn your coins un-apologetically babes! Taking the time to walk around those once clocked streets with a purpose felt mighty fine, I returned at the right time! Feeling absolutely exhausted, I returned to my hotel for a good nights sleep. Yau Ma Tei impressed me! 

Yau Ma Tei... She Better Don't! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure