I'm Back!

By Suvenchow
It's been a long while, hasn't it? 
Six months to be exact, since the last time I blogged. I guess I've been to caught up with life to actually be able to sit down and write about it. But I should have. I realize how much I've missed out by not blogging, by not penning down those 6 months worth of precious memories. Sure, I could always look back at the photos I took, but they're never the same as reading while looking at those photos. I would never be able to know exactly what happened at that exact moment. Well, there's nothing much I can do about it now, except to move on and try to be more active as I possibly can. Perhaps that is what triggered me to start blogging again, to pen it down as a reminder. (What triggered me to blog again was because I was inspired by a friend who is currently going through a rough patch in life, but that's another story). 
So anyways, I'm back and hopefully I'll be able to stay on course for longer this time.