I'm a nuNAAT Brand Ambassador!

By Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson

I, my darlings have amazing news! Back in August I did an in depth review on the nuNAAT Ultra Keratin treatment.

The fine folks over at nuNaat loved my review so much they offered to make me one of their Brand Ambassadors! I'm so excited for this opportunity. Being an ambassador for nuNAAT means great things coming your way for you, my lovely readers.
I will bring you great, true in my opinion, in depth reviews on other hair care products from the company, with a focus on the Brazilian Ultra Keratin system.
I will have tips & awesome discount coupons. You will know when to jump on the latest deals. And I will be able to answer any questions you will have regarding any of the product lines.
Another awesome part about being a brand ambassador... GIVEAWAYS!
Yes, I will have amazing giveaways on my blog as well as my Youtube channel.
Be sure to like their Facebook page to get the latest deals as well!
So stay tuned for all the exciting things I have in store for you in 2013!