For those that are missing out, Unforgettable is a American crime/mystery series that follows a female police detective called Carrie, who has an unusually detailed memory. Basically, since her Sisters death as a child, Carrie has been able to access every single thing she has heard or seen since using her incredible memory. The only thing she can't remember is who killed her sister when they were children, but as episodes go by we see her slowly putting pieces of what happened together.
I am actually addicted and I now adore Poppy Montgomery, who plays Carrie. She is beautiful and absolutely perfect as Carrie! I find myself wanting to be her as I sulk when each episode ends and scramble for the remote to watch the next episode!
I love her hair, I love her style (assuming the leather jacket is faux of course). She is just one awesome lady, her and Al (Dylan Walsh) completely make the show!
Unforgettable, you are just that .. unforgettable!
Have you seen the awesome show?
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