I Love You Rick, But Your Poll Results Are BullSh*t

Posted on the 17 December 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

Rick Schwartz published the results of the poll he took last week on topics ranging from readers thoughts of his blog, to what they thought about the new gTLD program in a post entitled Rick’s 2013-2014 Poll Results. What They Mean and Pointed Commentary.

As many as you know Mr. Schwartz and I are good friends and fellow Sherpa’s on DomainSherpa’s Live weekly show, actually there are few people in the industries opinion I value more than Rick’s but I have to call BullSh*t on the meaning Rick tried to interject into the results of his poll.

Lets be clear

I have no problem with Rick taking a poll in any manner he see’s fit

But its his reporting of the results and trying to extrapolate any meaning of the results that I have an issue with.

94% of readers voted that Rick’s Posts about gTLD’s have been Fair and has brought up good points

Of course they do.

I actually agree with the results.

Rick has a great blog full of information and opinions.

Its one of the must reads for anyone investing or thinking about investing in domain names.

I think Rick is fair.

How do you define fair?

He writes what he believes and believes what he writes.

That is the most you can ask of any blogger.

To give you their honest opinion day in and day out.

You can’t expect anyone to be right 100% of the time when a Baseball Hall of Famer only needs to get a hit 1/3 of the time.

Could you  pay Rick to write positively in something he doesn’t believe in or write something negatively on something he does?


I would say the  same thing for the most read domain bloggers.

Andrew, Kevin, Elliot, Myself

You can’t pay any of us enough for us to write something positively that we don’t believe in.

The only new extension that advertised on my blog in 2013 was .Pw

I didn’t register one

I didn’t suggest that anyone register one.

If you did good for you if you didn’t good for you too.

The fact that 90% of the respondents to a poll think any major stakeholder would whore themselves out for a few bucks, well its more a statement about themselves than about those that are in the business of blogging who put themselves out there everyday with their Johnson in their hand.…