Sometimes love just is. Like now. Time is tight, so today's post is short and sweet like my daughters - who are calling out for me... They remind me every day what it is to love and be loved... and while loving me unconditionally, still manage to deprive me of much of my sleep, time and sanity... thanks.
So how to share some family love for a Valentine's craft challenge when time's run out? Take a photo. No; take lots. Photograph the ones you love laughing, having fun, being silly, being themselves. Throw in some heart-shaped props and go for it. Use a digital software such as free picasa, and make 'a collage' and then print it out. Add the picture to a card, or cut it into strips so it looks like it came from a photo-booth and turn them into bookmarks.
Keep it simple. Fast. Fun. Goodbye and good luck!