I Love the Smell of Irony in the Morning

Posted on the 24 January 2015 by Thelongversion @thelongversion

The world’s billionaires, celebrities, royalty, and bureaucratic elite, converged on Davos, Switzerland this week for the 2015 World Economic Forum.

Among the topics discussed by the uber rich and super popular were education, gender equality, revolutionizing the world’s food supply, energy, global security, human vs artificial intelligence, the rise of shadow banking, and (drum roll) global climate change.

No discussion on global warming would be complete without Al Gore leading the charge.  The former Vice President teamed up with Mexican President Felipe Calderon to tell the world about their plan to rebuild everything!  No, seriously, in order to combat global warming and therefore global catastrophe, every city must be rebuilt in a way that we can eliminate all cars from the planet. You must be able to walk everywhere you want to go in the perfect utopian world!  Well, not everywhere, because there will be mass transit in Gore’s utopia, I mean the elites can’t be expected to walk or stay within a very small geographic radius…right?

The price tag for Gore’s brilliant idea?  A mere, 90 trillion dollars…

Now that you’ve straightened up after doubling over with hilarity here’s the punch line.

The very people enjoying a week at a posh ski resort in the Swiss Alps while lecturing you and me about our cars, wood burning fireplaces, body odor, and sinister carbon footprints, arrived in Zurich aboard more than 1700 private jets, various helicopters, and SUVs…

The influx of private jets is so great, the Swiss Armed Forces has been forced to open up a military air base for the first time ever to absorb all the super rich flying their private jets into the event, reports Newsweek.

That’s not just a carbon footprint, that’s a carbon crater.

Even Jon Stewart had to acknowledge the hypocrisy avalanche in the Alps.


Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds had the response of the week: “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.”