I Love the DJ: DJ Carmin Wong

Posted on the 27 September 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

DJ Carmin Wong

Everyone was facing the DJ, who was elevated up on stage, as if he was channeling the energy of the crowd. It almost felt as if everyone was worshipping the DJ. (Delivering Happiness, Tony Hsieh)

Everyone loves the DJ. When it comes to the nightlife scene, you can even say we are obsessed with them. Pop Divas like Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears sing at the DJ to play their favorite songs, turn it up, play their jams. T-Pain can have his bartenders, ladies love a DJ.

I decided to sit down with sexy DJ Carmin Wong to talk about what makes a DJ tick and give you some insight into what they are thinking when they spin their tunes.

NatasiaRose: Why did you become a DJ?

DJ WONG: Music is my soul and my therapy. I’m passionate about what I do. Being a DJ is part of sharing me and my music with the masses.

NR: What’s your fav part of the job?

DJ WONG: I love to influence and effect people from different cultural backgrounds with my music, and moving them with my variety of mainstream music.

NR: How come everyone at the club always thinks the DJ is hot! Do you meet a lot of girls that way?

DJ WONG: I think people always like the candy that they can’t have, however, I’m kind  of a shy DJ. And I’m not great at talking to girls, so I wouldn’t know what that feels like.

Why are DJs always so hot?

NR: Which is worse: The dating scene in LA or Detroit?

DJ WONG: The dating scene is Detroit is absolutely sad, However I’d like to create one there. And the LA Scene is WAY too hot for me to sometimes attend.

NR: What is the inspiration behind your album that’s set to drop in December, “Cooling”?

DJ WONG: My experiences on boats, and the ocean has caught me in a tunnel with vision the of trance and vocal in this generation that hasn’t influenced or hasn’t been brought out by the best of this future, therefore it moves me; to be in studio everyday creating my songs and composing with the vocalists. My producers are really hard on me, but I work hard to hone, influence and move the future of my generation.

NR: Do you play mostly queer clubs or straight clubs? Does that influence the kind of music you play and do you see a difference in the way these two groups get down?

DJ WONG: The straights clubs are more educated about dance music, and the gay clubs just want top 40. However straight girls are always cuter to look at.

NR: Where can your fans find you?

Hit me up on fb! http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-WONG/229316597116460?ref=ts

You can also find Carmin here: http://www.carminwong.com/DJ_INFO.html