I Love My Job...I Love My Job! Oh Yah....Oh Yah...

By Homesmsp @HomesMSP

I LOVE MY JOB....I LOVE MY JOB! Oh yah.....oh yah..... Home Staging Minneapolis MN

Isn't that the goal. Yup....quick sale. Love it! 

first staged a vacant home for this investor that sold in 3 days with multiply offers so he had me stage this one as well. This one didn't go so well. It took 5 whole days! 

Ha....okay.....I think they are happy with that. 

The investor did a fabulous job in rehabbing this home. Take a look.... 

 199th LR Before

199th LR

199th Kitchen before 

199th Master

Now I got to add the glitz and glamour to wow the buyer......

 199th LR after

I love my job, I love what I do, and I love success stories! 

Need some help with your property? www.RoomsWithStyle.com

Shar Sitter, owner Rooms With Style Home Staging and Redesign Minneapolis MN.

CHSE and APSD Home Stager Pro Trainer