I Lost a Hubcap Last Week. It's Murphy's Law That If I Own a Car, Something Has to Be...

By Kmitrix @kmitrix

I lost a hubcap last week. It’s Murphy’s Law that if I own a car, something has to be damanged or trashy looking about it. Anyhoo, I was driving Harry to daycare this morning and saw that someone had put a hubcap against a tree on our daily route! And it was a Toyota hubcap! On the way back home I stopped - I was totally psyched that I may have found the hubacp! Alas, it was a cheapo snap-on and my car has the bolted into the wheel ones. I left it for the true owner to claim. Also, now I’m wondering if my hubcap was stolen and didn’t just fall off. I mean, there are bolts involved. And if it was stolen, why only one? Is someone trying to send me a message? If so it wasn’t a very well thought out plan.