It was so great to get out of the hospital and to get home just before Christmas! It felt so good to be in my own house with everyone that I love. There really is no place like home.
Me and My Bailey - Fall 2010
One of my best friends was there to greet me as she always is. My Bailey girl. The greatest dog ever. I really don’t know how I would have gotten through each day without her. I remember reading somewhere that animals, especially dogs, can sense when there is something wrong with us humans. Bailey certainly seemed to sense it and was always by my side. When I was really feeling down she would stay very close and just put her head on my lap and look at me. Other times she would follow me around the house and I would talk to her about all kinds of things. Why not? One time when I was lying on the couch, feeling like crap, crying my head off, feeling sorry for myself and wanting my Mommy to look after me; Bailey slowly walked over to me and quietly put her head on my shoulder. How awesome is that? Man’s best friend? More like a girl’s best friend. Who needs diamonds?Tasza & her cousin Trent
opening gifts - Christmas 2004
Mike also told me that there was a steady stream of friends at the door bringing food for him and the kids while I was in the hospital. He had a hard time with that. He felt like he should be reciprocating somehow. My Dad told him that wasn’t necessary. He gave some good advice: just say thank you. That’s it. Folks know that it’s appreciated and they want to somehow feel that they are contributing to help in some way. They are not expecting anything in return. So just a simple thank you. My Dad is a pretty wise man don’t you think?
It was nearing the end of December and we were home and getting settled in for a long winter’s nap. I'll Be Home for Christmas - Rascal Flatts