I Like, I Wish, I Heart Has Moved!

By Heidi @missfinn
Hello love readers, friends and followers! 
It with great delight that I announce that I like, I wish, I heart has moved. As of today, all posts will be at my fabulous self-hosted site called simply ilikeiwishiheart.com

I also want to advise that I will eventually be removing this old blogspot so I ask that you add me to your RSS feeds to keep up to date with all things I like, I wish, I heart from now on. But of course, there is always more than one way to follow me. You can use email subscription, Bloglovin', Twitter, and of course, Facebook. So if you wish to keep up-to-date with the goings on at I like, I wish, I heart, you can make a start by clicking here and you will be taken over to my new site! 
This is the start of something new and I can't wait to see where it takes me, I'd love to hear from you too as your feedback is always helpful and inspiring.
Ciao for now,