I Know What You’re Doing Tonight, Or Let’s Say at Sunrise…

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

It’s funny how we tend to convince ourselves that somehow, miraculously, calories don’t count at 4am. If you’re wondering what I am talking about…

  Here we go… Lebanon carries a few habits that everyone enjoys from time to time… One such habit is eating your after clubbing. There’s something about indulging something yummy after a long night out partying with friends… Some of us crave a mankoushe and head down to Zaatar w Zeit, sit and order everything on the menu, while others stand near Afran Watanaye on Bliss Street to enjoy a cocktail of lahem baajine and cheese, for example and some, crave a heavy knefe with extra sugar syrup in a kaak at 4am. Oh my God, how good is that bite… Tell us where you go and eat after clubbing tonight? What are your favourite spots?