I Know 34 Things You Thought About on Your Run Today

By Brisdon @shutuprun
Yeah, it looks gorgeous and all, but it's f'ing freezing.

I know I don't have to run five times a week, but it's what I do.
Ken: It's freezing. This is ridiculous. We don't have to go
Me: Yes, we do
Ken:Why? Why when our warm bed is so close.
I told Ken his next wife could be all fat and lazy and maybe then he would be finally happy. At least he can grow a beard to warm his face when it's negative-minus-hell degrees outside.

I don't want to be a broken record about the cold so I'm going to shut up now. But rumor has it that this week was not just cold in Colorado and Alaska and Siberia, but it was cold everywhere. So, wherever you are (shut up Hawaii, Mexico and Nevis), you feel my pain. Moving on.
I was thinking about something today while I ran. Sometimes I do think and sometimes I just don't know what I do. I think I spend a lot of time wondering how much longer I need to run and when I can rest again. According to this study, I am not alone.

Anyway, I agree with Oprah or Maya Angelou or Jesus or whoever said, "We are more alike than we are different." So, to me this means that we probably think similar things when we are running. Here are the top most common thoughts in my head during a run. Can you relate?
  1. This sucks. I'm not sure I'm up for this today.
  2. I'm so glad I decided to do this.
  3. How much further?
  4. Oh my God I need a bathroom RIGHT now. I'm turtling.
  5. Glad that urge passed.
  6. Why does running make me fart?
  7. Here comes another runner. I'm going to wave. They didn't wave back. WTF?
  8. Why don't other runners wave sometimes? I wonder if he/she is in a bad mood or is blind or hates me.
  9. What's for dinner tonight? What's for lunch today? What can I have for a snack? I wonder if there are any more Oreos left.
  10. How much further?
  11. Is that light going to turn green or stay red? Kind of hoping it stays red. I could use a rest but I don't want to be a pussy. I only want to stop if I'm forced to stop.
  12. I'm exhausted.
  13. I wonder how fast I'm going?
  14. I feel great.
  15. How much further?
  16. Does that car see me?
  17. I don't even really like running. 
  18. Is someone following me?
  19. I'm freezing.
  20. I shouldn't have had that chili cheese dog last night.
  21. Now I'm getting hot.
  22. Did I leave the oven on?
  23. Damn that was a slow mile.
  24. Wow, I'm speedy.
  25. The snot will just not.stop.flowing!
  26. My (insert: butt, IT band, Achilles, calf, foot, knee) hurts. Hope I'm not getting injured.
  27. Do I look good when I run? I think I look good. 
  28. I look horrible when I run. I'm sure my form sucks.
  29. Snot rocket. Nailed it.
  30. Is it true my odds are good of finding a dead body on this run?
  31. I hate this song.Skip. Why is it even on my playlist?
  32. Out of all those cars that passed me, did anyone know me?
  33. How much more can I eat today since I took this run?
  34. Wow, that was awesome. So glad I did it.

This just goes to show how evolved runners are. I mean consider the range of emotions and conflicting thoughts we encounter in just one little run! Clearly, we are complex and intellectual and better than the average person. High five, fellow runners.
Tell me ONE thing you think about when you run.