I Just Haven't Got a Clue What to Do

By Ashleylister @ashleylister
This weeks theme is LISTS.
To be honest, I'm not very good at TO DO LISTS. If make one, I forget to look at it, or I forget to make on I the first place.
This is the only way I would ever succeed with a TO DO LIST
1. Make a TO DO LIST
2. Do at list one thing on your TO DO LIST
3. Go to the pub to celebrate crossing 3 things off your TO DO LIST

      I'm not very good at other kinds of LISTS either. SHOPPING LISTS make me buy stuff I haven't written down. FAVOURITES LISTS drive me made because I can never choose a top 5 anything without arguing with myself. Sometimes my personal discussions escalate and I end up taking myself outside for a fight, which I'm also not very good at and have lost last five times this has happened.
      I tried making a HIT LIST, don't kill anyone. I had a go at a BUCKET LIST but gave up after I'd acquired a yellow one with a blue handle. I even wrote a THINGS TO DO BEFORE I'M 50 but then realised I'd actually achieved most of them already.
      It's safe to say that LISTS and me do not get on. It's just not how my mind works.
      LIST OF LISTS (found in this blog)
      1. TO DO
      2. SHOPPING
      4. HIT
      5. BUCKET

          LIST OF LISTS (not found in the blog, but know in this blog due to this LIST)
          1. WORST
          2. WISH
          3. WAITING
          4. PROS & CONS
          5. CONTENTS
          6. NEW YEARS HONOURS