I Joined a #biggestloser Competition!

By Shoesfashfit @lolashoelove

I decided to kick my butt into gear, I would join a biggest loser challenge with a few other bloggers. There is no requirement to actually post a blog post but I decided to give myself a little more motivation and share it on my blog... Intimidating!
My current BMI is 26.2, a healthy BMI for me is between 18.5-24.9. I AM currently 'overweight', which is scary to me... My goal weight is about 130pounds, I have just under 30pounds that I would like to lose.
My 'plan' is to do 45minutes to an hour on the treadmill, along with alternating days of strength training, on top of 4 days of Tae Kwon Do.
I'm going to be eating 5 small meals a day, 250-300 calories each, LOTS of water! At least 8 glasses, and at least 5 fruits/veggies a day. That is the tough part, I am so picky when it come to fruits and veggies!
This challenge starts today, February 4th to March 4th. I'm hoping to be under 150lbs by the time we are done!