I is Make 8tracks Mixtapes!

By Stfallen @stfallen

Finally got around to making playlists on 8tracks. I used to listen to music almost solely album by album, but over the past two years I’ve gotten out of that habit. Also, I seem to have branched out in terms of genre. Which is good!

The mix below has spoken word set to music, with the voices of Charlie Chaplin, and the words of William Blake.

This one has a lot of trip-hop, turntablism and gets a little upbeat, before winding down towards the end.

I had to skim through my library to find rap songs for this one. I don’t listen to a lot of hip hop, but these artists I dig.

And this one is a response to a Count Bass D track “Real Music vs. Bullshit” and the general notion that there is such a thing as “real music”.