I Have Weak Eyesight and I Sometimes Have to Drive At Night: What Precautions Should I Take?

Posted on the 08 November 2021 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Nighttime driving can make many of us anxious, even after using night-driving glasses. It is not just you who is paranoid, a study proves that driving at night is three times more dangerous than during the day. We all yearn to stay safe while driving in the dark, especially in the shorter winter days, when the sun sets relatively early.

Impaired night vision usually happens after 50, as your eyesight gradually worsens. Also, as you age, it takes longer for your eyes to adjust from a glare to dim surroundings. The most common symptoms of nighttime driving difficulty are as follows:

  • You cannot see the street signs and lane markings.
  • You have difficulty in judging the speed and distance of other vehicles on the road.
  • Oncoming headlights become torture. 

If these conditions become more frequent, you might need night driving glasses by some reliable brands like Overnight Glasses, Polarspex, Optix 55, etc. 

Read this article till the end, as it may even save lives.

Precautions for Easy Driving at Night

Here are some tips that could help you in making your nighttime driving journey more safe. These are:

Keep Your Lights, Mirrors, and Windows Clean

A dirty windshield can cause many problems for you. Although you might not experience any difficulty during the daylight hours, they could cause a glare when it’s dark. Similarly, if your lights are dirty, grime builds upon them, making it difficult to see at night.

Regularly check to see if the lights, windows and mirrors of your car are clean. Upgrade your bulbs and keep the covers polished. 

Decrease Dashboard Light 

Bright dashboard lights can cause distractions while you are driving. Turn the night mode on when you need to use the GPS Signal. It would keep your attention more towards the road and less inside.

Use Night Setting for Rear View Mirror

If you can dim your rearview mirror lights, change settings to reduce the brightness and glare of headlights behind you. You could do so through manual instructions provided to you.

Avoid Looking at Approaching Headlights

Approaching headlights can affect your nighttime visibility. Also, they hinder your vision as it takes time to adjust from a glare to darkness. That is why you should try your best to avoid gazing at the traffic that approaches from the opposite side. 

It can be done if you shift your focus straight ahead. Do not look directly at the headlights.

Go Slow 

Going slow is the best advice that you will receive for the safety of driving in the dark. When you do not drive at high speed, it is easier to avoid things that turn up suddenly. 

Avoid Using Yellow Tinted Glasses

Although yellow-tinted glasses are famous for nighttime vision, the facts are the opposite. There is no documented evidence that you can improve your nighttime vision by wearing yellow-tinted glasses. In contrast, they make it more challenging to drive at night as they allow only a tiny amount of light to pass through. Instead of using yellow-tinted glass, you should opt for anti-reflective coated glasses. These prevent reflection and light bouncing in the dark.

Become Well Aware of Your Route  

Whenever you decide to drive at night, plan and check your route carefully to minimize risks and dangers; choose a route with the most streetlights and is not dark or overcrowded. You can also refer to Google Maps’ street view function. 

Get Your Eyes Examined

You must get your eyes checked by your optometrist if you feel that you are sensitive to glare. It may be due to some night-blindness causing problems. And with just the right lenses, you can effectively get rid of some significant symptoms like the halos and starbursts, which can emerge from around light sources. Furthermore, this anti-glare treatment may be the answer you are looking for to cure your nighttime weakness. 

Improve the condition of your vehicle

All drivers out there, not just those with defective night vision, need to pay close attention to the state of their vehicle. One must regularly perform routine maintenance like tire replacements and oil changes. First things first, ensure that your headlights are in good condition and don’t need a visit to the mechanic. Try periodic alignments if you want to keep them in mint condition, as they surely won’t disappoint you. Also, keep your headlight covers in good shape with regular cleaning, too as they can haze over in no time. 


To wrap it all up, one can prevent impaired nighttime vision through various methods and means. Going slow, understanding your route, using the night setting for the rearview mirror, avoiding yellow-tinted glasses, to name a few. So, eat a healthy diet rich in vitamin A such as leafy greens and cod liver oil to enhance your night vision considerably.