I Have Some Grouchy Readers! Today, I Heard From An Anti-Grain-ite…

By Forayintofood @ForayIntoFood

Occasionally, I receive an unkind comments from one of my readers.  Twice, I’ve received a downright mean comment.  (I deleted those as I won’t allow someone’s cruelty to ruin the fun I have blogging.)

Today, I received the following comment in response to my post titled, “How Much Food Do You Need To Survive For One Year?“:

“Human digestive system is NOT meant to digest grains! So you can throw out your 400lb of wheat and stuff. Learn some basics before telling cowdump to people.” – Majco

Nice, huh? 

This was my response:

“Whoa!  Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  A word of advice: you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar.  Insults do not become you.

“Back to the subject at hand, I beg to differ.  Most humans digest grain very well.  Not all humans digest all grains well, and some don’t digest them well at all.  Some people do much better with heritage grains or rice or barley or any number of grains.  Some people must avoid grain like the plague.  I have always encouraged and will continue to encourage my readers to find what works best for them.

“This information was not intended to be a ‘one size fits all’ solution, but it is a well researched solution which works well for the majority of people.  If it doesn’t work for you, please find something that does.

“I created this blog to encourage people to become more self-sufficient in whatever way is best for them as individuals.

“I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”

So there you have it, folks.  I’m not an expert.  I am simply sharing my experiences.  I want each of you to use your wonderful brains and do what is best for you in your individual situation.

Have any of you had any fuddy-duddies who try to spoil your fun?

I’d love to hear about it, blog related or not.