I Have Scoliosis

By Chaayen

The title says it all. The doctors have confirmed I have Scoliosis. Well, luckily I am a mild case so I don't have to go for an operation or need to wear a back brace. As my doctor puts it, "just continue living your happy life!"
It is a permanent issues, but at least it is not life threatening in anyway. I just have to live with bad posture and not be able to be a model (not that I was in the first place) for the rest of my life.

  1. Medically, the causes of Scoliosis are unknown. I may or may not have an offspring with the same issue as me. But one thing for sure, if you are born with it, you live with it.

  2. In Singapore, during our growth spurts, most of us will be tested for it. So, if you are a severe case, you would definitely go through remedial surgery or back braces. Mild cases like me, you may or may not be informed of your condition. (It does make you sad to know you are sick.)

  3. Just in case you are wondering, I have very bad posture. And I have backaches easily too. I always thought the aches was due to my bad posture. And the bad posture was due to the laziness of my spine - never knew it was an inherent problem of my spine. My parents/ relative would always scold me and ask me to sit straight. But honestly, I always feel better slouched and now we all know why. HAHAHA.

  4. And truly, this is by no way end of the world. I can do sports (I can't touch my toes not sure is it because of my back.) and I excel in some sports too. I have poor balance though haha. The saddest thing is I probably shouldn't take epidural when I am pregnant. But I have high pain tolerance :P

  5. I also asked my doctor about Chiropractic Treatment. Just to share, this is not regulated in Singapore, so best to avoid it. 

  6. By the way, I am already past my growth spurt, so as my Doctor says, my condition will not deteriorate. The only reason why my back grows weaker will be due to natural old age. 

Just so you know, all of us have own set of health issues. Even me. But what is important is to continue on living, making the best of life. After all you even live once. By the way, even Martha Hunt, Victoria Secret's angel has Scoliosis too.
Guess my doctor put it best, at least it is Scoliosis. There are other worse illnesses out there. You didn't get the best lot. But this lot still allows you to live a normal life and chase your dreams. #Feelingpumped I really don't live forever, so shall make my every breathe a cheerful one.