I Have Been Tagged! LOL

By Misslara16 @misslara

Ok, Mydjay has tagged me... she has asked me to say eleven random things about me... here we go!

  1. I have lost a bit of weight
  2. I don't like arrogant people
  3. I look in the mirror so much... infact I think too much
  4. I love to dance in front of the mirror
  5. My imagination runs wild very wild.
  6. I'm extremely adventurous and danger fascinates me
  7. I am not an average girl... yes I said it! I'm a bit stronger physically and emotionally
  8. I love God so much you cant imagine and I am not afraid or shy about it.
  9. I love to lead and don't mind putting the needed work
  10. I don't shed tears almost never) at least not for frivolous reasons
  11. I don't think marriage is an end in itself, its just a means to an end

Mjady’s 11 QUESTIONS *my answers are directly under*1. Where is the place you get most inspired?church

2. Who is your mentor?Joyce Meyer, Bimbo Odukoya, 3. What comes to your head when you think Ibadan (Western Nigeria)?weird old but nice city! Lol4. What was the last silly thing you did?lol I'm not telling!5. How old are you?246. What passes as indulgence for you?chocolate, procrastination (and things I wont say! lol)7. What happened the last time you prayed for a miracle?A miracle happened? yes definitely did!8. What was your most embarrassing moment?I have a few,, but cant rem a particular one right now...9. Describe an outfit you’d love to appear in?An amazing black dress with purple sapphire jewellery... (I wont let everything out jor) 10. Can you recall the name of your first crush?Yes.. def!11. Are you reconciled to God through Jesus Christ?Yes please!I hope you loved my answers and I cant wait to read other answers...Misslara's questions...

  1. What is your favorite endearing word?
  2. what was your most embarrassing moment?
  3. what do you think of me?
  4. Are you sexually active?
  5. what do you think of me?
  6. What gift would you love for your birthday?
  7. who is a major influence in your life right now?
  8. Thoughts on marriage?
  9. what do you do in your spare time?
  10. what is the single mos stupid thing you have ever done?
  11. do you have any event you regret?

Now, who am I tagging? yes I'm tagging you! yes you!lovelife4saleAdamzwealthdatfunkyfroso she writes....its toniliciousSugabellythe diary of a fat naija girlTell the worldUnspoken writtenBeuluvTrue perspective