I Have Been a Sucky Blogger!

By Literaryexploration @Lit_Explorer
Hello fellow explorers! I know, I've been a totally sucky blogger lately. I haven't even touched my computer in a little less than a week and I haven't finished a book in longer. I'm approaching the last few weeks of my school semester and I'm swamped with papers and exams so I haven't had much time to read or do anything for fun. Plus the holidays consumed all my time this last week, eating lots of food and spending time with friends and family. Sadly, my blog has taken the place of last priority at the moment and I've had to replace fun books for school books. Also, when I do get a bit of free time I tend to spend it watching TV... because let's face it, my brain needs a break.
So, for the next couple weeks I will probably be pretty scarce, posting only a couple times a week and when I do those posts will most likely be memes, or possibly a review or an update on my life. My finals end December 18th, so I'm hoping to be back in the blogging world after that! I'll be working more, but I'll also be reading more and I'm definitely looking forward to that :) I hope you'll all be understanding and cut me some slack! You know I love you, and I'm not trying to suck, life is just getting in the way!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I hope all of you who are also in school find the time to do everything!! :)