I Have a Crush on GirlCrush!

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

I don’t know if y’all remember the post I did awhile ago about my visit to this great little store/spa called Georgia in SoHo, here in New York. It’s an amazing little shop if you’re in the area and you get a chance to go over there. Anyway, owner Jodie Patterson just started a new web series called Girl Crush and I LOVE it.

It’s about simple, healthy living, simple beauty techniques and she interviews some really interesting (not to mention beautiful) people! Looking for some fabulous women to look up to? Tired of being what’s considered “beautiful” being dictated to you? Then check out this series! (Oh and the GEORGIA blog is wonderful too!)

For more information on Girl Crush go to girlcrushbyjodiepatterson.com

For more info on GEORGIA go to georgiaNY.com