I Give Myself Very Good Advice…

By Actuallystrange @ActuallyStrange

…but I very seldom follow it.

So, day 1 of “Much Improved In 30 Days” is nearly over. Here is a list of things that I did well and things that I need to work on:

What I did well:

1) I didn’t speak badly about anybody.
2) I took excellent notes in class.
3) I came up with a topic for a paper.
4) I wrote an outline for another paper.
5) I was friendly.
6) I left my room clean this morning.

What I need to work on:
1) I spent money at school instead of bringing lunch at home.
2) I surfed the Internet during the class in which I took good notes.
3) I got an extension on yesterday’s paper instead of finishing it.
4) I felt insecure and acted random to hide it.
5) I watched YouTube this morning.
6) My book-bag and purse are a mess.

Tomorrow, and for the rest of today, I will not surf the internet or watch YouTube. I’ll work on getting my paper finished and tomorrow I’ll bring lunch to school. I’ll also reflect on being slow to speak.

I’ll also wake up as soon as my alarm goes off and make my bed because I’ve realised that I do better when I’m in an organised environment. I’ll spend my extremely long break between classes working on school work instead of wasting time.

Today was ok but I hope that tomorrow is better.