I Forgot My Anniversary…

By Fitnessmeetsfrosting @fitnessfrosting

5/4/2013 was the day I decided to put on my running shoes and attempt to start training for a half marathon. I told Kyle I was going to run 1 direction and just see how far I could go (I was worried about my back). I asked him to pick me up when we were done and then I would take us to breakfast.

I ran 5.11 miles in 49:53 (9:45 pace). I was hooked. I realized I could do it. I could train for a half marathon.

To celebrate my belated running anniversary, I thought it would be fun to do my Liebster Award!

3 amazing blogger friends of mine nominated me! I feel so honored that these lovely, inspiring ladies nominated me. Thank you loves!

Cat’s Mewsings- She just rocked a marathon. Yep. Rockstar.
Blonde Bun Runner- I’ve been following her on IG for a while (she recently started blogging) and have always been inspired by her!
Run Salt Run- Super speedy runner, rock star mama, and hilariously sarcastic

Here are the questions they asked! I apologize if this bores you to tears.

1.  Who/what inspires you daily?

My mom. My mom takes care of everyone around her (myself, my sister, my dad, my grandparents- one has dementia and one has Parkinson’s, her coworkers, etc.) and doesn’t ask for anything in return. I want to be her when I grow up.

2.  What motivated you to start running?

Running blogs actually!!! To be more specific, Skinny Runner (who doesn’t actually blog anymore). I was told that I probably couldn’t run anymore after a bad car accident. Reading blogs with all these inspiring stories about overcoming injuries inspired me to train!

3.  What’s your favorite type of workout?

Strength training with Kyle. Gasp. I know. It probably has more to do with working out with Kyle than the actual workout. Now, how to convince him to run- cause this is how he feels

4.  Most memorable race or event?

My first half marathon (San Jose RNR)!!! The most amazing feeling to set a goal and accomplish it! And with my bestie!

5.  Favorite indulgent snack or meal?

Frozen yogurt. Or candy. Basically any dessert. I have a major sweet tooth. It’s a problem.

6.  Upcoming goals?

Run a half marathon in 1:55!!

7.  Favorite mantra?

I can do hard things. Thanks HRG :)

8.  What’s your favorite mid-run fuel?

Favorite is probably not the best term, but Organic Honey Stinger Gels. I think they taste better than GU’s because they have a honey flavor. I would much prefer to use a chew (Clif Shot Bloks are delicious) because they taste like candy, but I’m not coordinated enough to run AND chew. I think it would result in me + 1/2 my tongue.

9.  Long-term goals?

Get super fast and run a speedy 1/2 marathon in the 1:30′s (LONGGG way from here). Then possibly tackle the full marathon. We’ll see.

10.  What’s your favorite running gear?

My Garmin. I feel naked without her.

11.  Words of advice for someone starting out?

Start out slow and listen to your body. You don’t want to increase your distance too quickly because you risk injury. Those rest days are there for a reason, and so are those cross training days. You know your body the best and you need to listen to it. Remember to have FUN! Life is too short to have a hobby that you don’t enjoy!

12. What is your spirit animal and why?

Hmm not sure what this means, but I’m obsessed with penguins so I’ll go with penguin?

13. What’s your biggest inspiration–the thing that makes you excited to get up in the morning?

What- IDK. Who- Kyle. He makes me excited to get up in the morning.

14. Which is better–breakfast or dinner? Explain yourself.

Breakfast for dinner. Love me some homemade waffles any time of day.

15. Do you have any pets, and if so, what’s the story of how you came to own them?

Snickers- My kitty. She was my first pet (by that I mean my OWN pet) that I got in 2nd grade after my rabbit died. She’s my buddy and it breaks my heart that she has cancer.

Sienna- My pup. She’s my buddy who follows me everywhere. She likes to run with me, lay in the kitchen while I cook, lay in the bathroom while I shower, sleep in my room, etc. We also snuggle after my runs. We got her when our old dog (no longer with us) needed a buddy.

Skyler- My baby kitty. She’s deaf and adorable. She gets locked in rooms even when the door is open, she “hides” in the laundry basket with her body hidden and her tail hanging out, she sleeps on the dog bed, she screams bloody murder in the middle of the night when she thinks the family has left her and I have to get out of bed and she jumps into my arms and calms down. I convinced my parents to adopt this pound kitty. Our vet took in 2 kitties about to be euthanized at the pound, spayed/neutered them, and then had them out in their waiting room for adoptions. It worked and we got Skyler.

16. What’s the best place you’ve ever traveled to?

Ugh. Can I say Europe? No? Between Florence and Munich (2nd photo is from our Trip to Munich but not actually in Munich).

17. What is the one thing you’re known for that people tend to ask you about as the “expert?”

Uhhhh. What frozen yogurt flavors go well together?? Idk. I guess my family always asks me nutrition related questions (my major was physiology and metabolism).

18. Run, walk, swim, or cycle?

All of the above EXCEPT for swim. Open water freaks me out. I’ll go with run though ;)

19. What is the single best thing one can eat alongside peanut butter?

Pahaha. See I only love peanut butter on certain things. I love me a PB&J and PB on crackers. WAIT I just remembered that I loved Trader Joe’s PB filled pretzels.

20. What is the most memorable birthday gift you’ve given or received?

For my 24th birthday my sister gave me a book of letters. She contacted a bunch of my loved ones (aunts, uncles, a couple of Kyle’s family members, my parents), and had them write letters to their 24-year-old-selves. It was like reading their stories, but also listening to their advice- you know, things they wish they would have done, things they’re glad they had done, etc.

 21. If the world ended tomorrow, what is the one achievement you’d be the most proud of?

I don’t know that it is one achievement, but I’d be happy to know that I have a boyfriend, family, and friends who love me (and I love them).

22. If someone asked you to recommend a book, which one would you pick out of all the books you’ve read?

Bleh I don’t like this question. This is like asking me to pick a favorite movie, or pet or something. GAHHH IDK! I’ll get back to you.

Okay, now I know I’m supposed to pick other bloggers to nominate, but I hate this part because it’s like picking team members in high school gym class. Someone always feels left out. So instead, I want to try something different!

Please comment and give me a blog you love to read! This way we’ll get a long list of bloggers from all different readers (instead of getting my lame old opinion).

Also, please feel free to answer 1 or all of these questions!!