I Feel Good

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621

Hello and welcome to this months I Feel Good post!!
The photo I have chosen this time was taken on a Friday morning where I hadn't been feeling great- you know those mornings where nothing in your wardrobe inspires you and everything you put on annoys you!!
Normally when I feel like that I grab some jeans and a top, shove them on and go but this time I decided the only way to snap myself out of this mood was to wear something truly fabulous!

The response on Instagram when I posted this outfit was amazing and made me feel so much better after a very shaky start and so I went off and strutted my stuff round Birmingham!!
Don't forget to check out the other ladies also taking part
Abi http://aisforabi.blogspot.co.uk/
Becca http://thegirlewiththeplait.blogspot.co.ukBecky http://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com/Emma http://emmaatouchofsparkle.weebly.com/Felicity http://www.felicityhart.com/
Hallie http://knitteddaisy.blogspot.co.uk/
Hollie http://prettybigbutterflies.com/Karen http://toodulltoblog.blogspot.co.uk/Kaye http://www.polishedcurves.comKitty http://misskittykaos.blogspot.co.uk/Leah http://www.justmeleah.co.uk/ 
Mhairi http://www.lilybobombslovelylumps.com/Mookie http://www.mookieslife.com/Natalie http://www.awheelbarrowfullofstyle.com/
Toni www.theleftofperfect.blogspot.co.ukVicky http://www.thecurvedopinion.com/