I feel like at least once a day I'm faced with doing something I really don't want to do. Usually I don't want to do whatever it is for 1 of 2 reasons. Reason 1: I'm scared. Reason 2: I've had a bad experience before.
An example is oil changes. A few years ago, I had a horrible experience where I was charges for multiple services I didn't request. I tried to explain this to the man, but he kept saying that the services were already done. I pleaded and said that I couldn't afford the extra charges. It wasn't until I told them I was going to call my dad, that they even cared at all. I'm not sure what power my dad, the graphic designer, had that I didn't, but as soon as I had him on the phone all the sudden *poof* the charges were gone and I was out of there. Since then, I always get a lump in my heart when I need to get an oil change.
That was a drastic example, usually the things I don't want to do are much smaller. Make a phone call, run an errand or certain discussions. I was dealing with one of these situations and found out that I have a mental process that I go through to prepare myself for these situations.
The first thing I do is research. When I quit my last job, I spent endless days researching how to appropriately put in my 2 weeks notice. I researched how to start the conversation. Researching is the first step to "attacking" my situation.
Next I write it down. I can't always write things down, like in the example above, but if I can write I do. I love writing. It helps me so much to write things out, I write out lists and scripts that will help me through the situation.
Lastly, I mentally prepare. Usually this involves Jared pretending to be the "other person". I practiced interviews with him all night. I would write out questions and have him ask me. I'd practice how I was sitting and the best way to articulate my sentences.
That's my 3 step process.
Do you have a mental process to get you through things that you just don't want to do?