I Don't Cook...And Some Other Stuff

By Hollyshaun0528 @TwinglesMom42

Oh, I am excited for Friday Confessional this week! Ahh...simple pleasures.
I confess...
I don't cook. And Shaun doesn't really either. Most meals consist at least in part of something that was frozen, reheated. Since my kids think vegetables are poisonous, we usually include a fruit instead. Sometimes there's meat. Sometime there's not. I was a vegetarian for some years so out of the handful of recipes I do actually know how to cook, over half of them are meatless. That's fine in our house because our kids seem to think that most meats are also poisonous. They'll eat chicken and hotdogs. That's about it for meat around here.
I confess...
Sometimes I even let my kids eat fast food (oh, the horror, I know). And by sometimes, I mean about once a week. However, I'd like to personally and publicly thank Wendy's for offering a relatively decent number of healthier choices for both adults and kids.
I confess...
I am not sad that my kids are growing up a bit and becoming more independent. I love it, in fact. I love that my twins are potty trained. I love that a trip to the grocery store alone with all three kids is no longer my worst nightmare. I love all the crafts and activities we can do together. I'm actually quite happy to be leaving the baby stage.

The kids at the Natural History Museum last weekend.

They all loved pushing the buttons to hear the animal sounds!

 I confess...
Spin classes are kicking. my. butt. And I love it. I'm motivated. I want to get better at this cycling thing. It's as intense as running for me, but without the pain that comes along with running since I gave birth to Dawson. If I keep it up, I might just ask Santa for a bike of my own this year. It would be nice to go ride outdoors once it cools off a bit here.
I confess...
I think the people who ride their bikes or run outdoors during Vegas summers are insane and should be institutionalized. Did they not see the weather report saying that it would be 110 degrees or hotter today? You know, the report where people are cautioned to keep all pets and children indoors for the day?
I confess...
Losing weight is really hard for me. I can eat right and exercise, but I still have trouble going down on the scale. The problem is that I don't have much to lose anymore. I've often struggled with being just outside of my healthy weight range. Garfield was onto something when he said, "I'm not overweight; I'm undertall." This is so true for me and it makes me crazy. I never even officially reached 5 feet tall. The tallest I was ever quoted was 4' 11 and 3/4." Sigh.
I confess...
I didn't post yesterday because I was recovering from a partial root canal. I needed Advil PM to sleep and after I took it, I just wasn't up to blogging. Sorry. I know all of you were just worried sick about me, right?
I confess...
I know you weren't really worried. My feelings aren't hurt. It's ok. ;)
What are your confessions this week?