I Don't CARE How You Fed Your Baby!

By Expatmum @tonihargis
So as I might have mentioned, I am a serial commenter. I simply cannot leave a newspaper comment box alone; consequently I find myself in some pretty heated "debates" about guns, civil liberties, global warming - all the stuff that I don't normally subject my blog readers to.
One topic that I don't typically get involved in is parenting - especially when it's one group trying to convince the other group that they're loser mothers etc. Really? So tiresome.
However, I wrote a comment on Huffington Post the other day that has received a surprising number of  "likes" and "faves" and things; I would post it here if I could guarantee my own anonymity. (I don't put it past some of my detractors to lob a brick through my window.) The gist of it was however, that most people who denounce stay-at-home mothers, non-breast-feeders or people who didn't do baby-led weaning (whatever that is) are basically just trying to validate their own decisions. They're obviously not on a mission to convert the rest of the world, (Ok, some are), they're just trying to prove to themselves that they made the right choices. I ended by asking why we couldn't all just educate ourselves on the issues, pick a path that feels right, and then have the confidence to stand by that decision without having to demonize people who went in a different direction.
So here's what I think, in a nutshell - I don't bloody well care if you breast fed or bottle fed, and if so for how long. I'm sure it was a very important decision for you, as it should have been. Whether you're a stay-at-home mother or work all the hours god sends in an office fifty miles from home is of no consequence to me, nor will I be impressed if you had a drug-free delivery and grow your own baby food. I'm not even going to tell you what I did in any of those categories. I don't care what you think of my decisions and you shouldn't care what I think of yours.
Do what makes you happy and stop trying to get others to validate your choices.
(I think I'll stay away from commenting about parenting in future. I might offend someone.)