I Confess to Being a Crap TV Junkie

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

I love how Kirsty over at My Home Truths has challenged bloggers to confront their deepest secrets and confess all on her Monday linkup. Even though I haven’t managed to contribute a confession every week, I’ve enjoyed being accountable to my own little quirks, habits, likes and loathes. This week, the confession is shameful … and, yes, my head is hanging as I type.

Sometimes, I watch crap TV.

Really crap TV.

I’ve already admitted to people watching being a favorite pastime, and although nothing beats this as a live sport, occasionally I get similar (albeit to a much lesser extent) kicks from really crap reality TV shows. The shows I’m talking about wouldn’t be out of place in any D-Grade collection. They are truly that bad. BUT, I just can’t look away.

Currently, the type of crap that’s suckered me in includes the following viewing gems:

Dog the Boutny Hunter – Not familiar?? Well, Dog is an American WWF  has-been who is now earning his dollar chasing bail runners and returning them to the authorities. It’s him, his bimbette and a handful of relatives hooning their black pick-up across the country chasing crooks. Pure garbage, and I’m truly watching in hope that someone jumps Dog from behind and gives him a bloody good short back and sides. It’s much needed. The opening credits are almost warning enough … just not quite as I’ve seen things that are truly regretful.

Man Vs Food – a reality TV show staring a pudgy host who tours America in search of greasy spoons serving excessively sized meals. The challenge then comes in him eating so much that it almost means I’m the one reaching for the Alka Seltzer! The Guardian sums up the show’s perfectly

The premise is disarmingly simple: one man travels around various American pig-out spots – the kind of fast and dirty eateries where you’re given a free T-shirt if you can stuff an entire farmyard into your mouth in an hour – and essentially eats everything in sight.

Pawn Stars – life behind the counter of a family run Pawn Shop. WOW there are some seriously unusual people who are prepared to show their faces and wares on international TV. Enough said.

I’ll certainly say that I’m intrigued at the capacity of someone … anyone??? … to devise the concepts that these (and other) reality shows are based upon. If this is reality TV, exactly who’s reality is it reflecting? And then I’m absolutely gobsmacked at the notion that these shows could ever muster an audience?

I mean really, who watches this type of shit??

Oh … um … yeah, me, I guess.


Please, will you make me feel a tiny bit better about this confession by sharing here the crappest TV shows you’ve  ever been suckered into?

Have a great Tuesday and if you’re a blogger, remember to link up with Jess at IBOT! It’s esstentially awesome and you can find it here -  Essentially Jess!

Plus of course this is confession is being linked up today with Kirsty too. What are you admitting today?

photo credit: hfb via photopincc