I Can't Believe This Man Ever Became President

Posted on the 03 November 2020 by Morage @kebmebms

 Geeminy, God. 

Look at this post, y'all. From what is supposed to be our President. He put this on Facebook, at least, yesterday, last night.

Every corrupt force in American life that betrayed you and hurt your are supporting Joe Biden: The failed establishment that started the disastrous foreign wars; The career politicians that offshored your industries & decimated your factories; The open borders lobbyists that killed our fellow citizens with illegal drugs, gangs & crime; The far-left Democrats that ruined our public schools, depleted our inner cities, defunded our police, & demeaned your sacred faith & values; The Anti-American radicals defaming our noble history, heritage & heroes; and ANTIFA, the rioters, looters, Marxists, & left-wing extremists. THEY ALL SUPPORT JOE BIDEN!
Seriously. This is pitiful. And Pathetic. It just shows all the more reasons why he should never have been in the White House in any government capacity and why he should be voted out now.
Thanks, Republicans. Again, thanks so very much for this man, this buffoon of a President.
Vote, folks. And VOTE BLUE.
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