I Came, I Saw, I...Spent

By Mustachio @mustachio2011
I came...or rather, went to Phnom Penh with four friends in tow with very limited time (more vacation leaves please) and on a budget.
I saw...just a piece of Phnom Penh in 24 hours (and 8 hours of it was spent with my eyes closed). One day is definitely not enough.
I spent...yes, travel comes with a price and in 24 hours, I was 2700 pesos down.

How Phnom Penh pillaged thru Mustachio's pocket

Phnom Penh in 24 hours:Thought You Should Know That...A Bed to Sleep OnThe Royal PalaceHey Kid!History Lessons in Phnom PenhChews Cambodia
I Came, I Saw, I...Spent (you're here!)