I Bring You 'More Good News' - Russia's Going Tits Up!

By Davidduff

I do feel that it is my duty to keep you all supplied with a steady diet of Good News given that a) the MSM only print Bad News and b) you're a miserable bunch of grumps so you need cheering up!  To be fair (well, it makes a change), this blog, too, has a tendency to reproduce Bad News which is why, for example, I keep reminding my Brit readers that George Osborne is not only a lying liar but an incompetent chancellor and that is why the nation's debt is increasing not decreasing.  Similarly, I have warned my American readers that whilst Obama is not bright enough to be a proper Marxist, he has spent his entire life in a Marxist milieax and that includes the last five years in the White House where he is surrounded by people imbued with the teachings of Saul Alinsky plus a considerable number of what Lenin described as "useful idiots".  Thus, he and his administration are determined to drive the American national debt up into the economic stratosphere because when the yearned-for emergency arises they will be ready to take advantage of it.

So, as both of our nations flounder in an ocean of debt my little piece of Good News will offer you something - not much, but something - with which you may comfort yourselves.  Economically, Russia is going tits up!  Putin may be a truly wonderful secret policeman and kleptomaniac thug of the first order but he couldn't actually run a whelk stall!  According to Kim Zigfeld at PJ Media not even oil and gas is going to save Russia's floundering economy.  She quotes several financial gurus who point out the dangers of falling investment (well, who in their right mind would invest their money in Russia today?) and rampaging inflation.  As the Russian ZiL economy splutters to a halt, of course, Putin's answer is to screw down hard on liberty and increase military spending.  His popularity is dropping fast and one dreads to imagine how far his habit of stripping off, to provide his subservient newspapers with, er, 'glam shots', will go!

Well, that's it!  Feeling better, are we?