So here goes... I am the mom who...
1. Hates being away from her child
2. Didn't make a birth plan
3. Thinks routine is super important!
4. Doesn't let their child eat much chocolate and no sweets
5. Takes photos everyday
6. Will take their child to see as much of the world as possible
7. Is completely content and happy with the one child
8. Will go to the shop if Abbie asks for something
9. Co-sleeps with their toddler and LOVES it, and who will not stop until their child is ready, not when everyone else thinks is right

10. Follows baby-led parenting techniques
11. Will not let their child eat junk food or takeaways
12. Will help out their child with money when they're older if it's needed, I never want Abbie to worry about it
13. Who didn't feel that instant bond after childbirth
14. Who got all the stretch marks other mums didn't seem to get
15. Could never imagine going back to work until her child is in full time school, the idea of someone else looking after my child more than I would, bothers me.
16. Will always follow her intuition when it comes to parenting
17. Wishes everyone who could breastfed their children, did, instead of giving them formula
18. 's child didn't sleep through the night until they were 20 months
19. Will always put their child first
20. Strives every day to be the best Mum I can be