I Am Snow Angel Releases Her Video for ‘grey White December’ [premiere]

Posted on the 18 February 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

I Am Snow Angel, the moniker of Julie Kathryn, must be a glutton for perfection. Claymation videos, like the one above for her song “Grey White December,” involve a notoriously painstaking process, including hours of adjusting the figures millimeters to create continuous movement. The music feels similarly crafted — the way each tone of the domino-like beat feels strategically plucked out, falling easily one into the next.

“Grey White December” captures the sound of stormy winter days perfectly. A flurry of synths, a drum machine and injections of twinkling piano notes dominate the song, but underneath is the hushed tone of Kathryn’s voice, sounding like frozen figures scurrying into their homes towards fireplaces and blankets. Despite the unfortunate conditions we’ve been dealing with and growing very tired of lately, this song will be one to return to even after winter has thawed.

“Grey White December” appears on a collection of I Am Snow Angel Songs released today on her self-titled debut EP available via iTunes.