I Am Not A Horrible Person
By Tanvi Rastogi
If you had met me a couple of years ago, I would have told you upfront, "I am a horrible person! Beware!" I liked giving this disclaimer to anyone who would bother to listen, you know just to lower their expectations. And to make sure they are not shocked when they happen to come face-to-face with my 'short-comings'.
Today, however, neither do I see those same characteristics as my shortcomings nor do I think I am a horrible person. So what has changed? Nothing, except my perspective about myself. I have come to the conclusion that the reason for why I saw myself as a horrible person has a little to do with Indian culture and a little with my own personality (that I was born with). Here goes ...
- Just because I refuse to do or say things, in order to please people, doesn't make me a horrible person.
- Just because I am straight forward, doesn't make me a horrible person.
- Just because I am a go-getter and have a brain of my own, doesn't make a horrible person.
- Just because I do not fit into a set mold which people are used to, I am not a horrible person.
- Just because I am not diplomatic and do not sugar coat my words, doesn't make me a horrible person.
... the list can go on. Hence proven, I am not a horrible person [:P]. I am a fabulous person actually, but y'know that from long before
Bottom-line: I have realized that I need to stop selling myself short. I am and have always been comfortable in my own-skin so why even provide a disclaimer, right? If you like me, you like me. And even if you don't, doesn't mean I am a horrible person ... just means you have bad taste in people [(;]
Moving on ...
This is an outfit for my India trip. We had a family function and of course,
I didn't miss the chance to dress up. Why would I? (:
Dress - Cut X 2