I Am Going to Comic-con!!!

By Literaryexploration @Lit_Explorer
July 11th - July 15th
If you follow me on Twitter (@Lit_Explorer) then you know I've been excited for this since March when I finally got myself tickets :D So for the first time ever I am going to Comic-Con in San Diego!!!! I am RIDICULOUSLY excited people!!!! I am going to be in the most hectic atmosphere of my life, but I bet it will be completely worth it!!! Of course I've been planning out my schedule for all the panels I'd like to see and all the authors I want to meet and all the booths I want to check out, but who knows what I'll actually have time for. Thankfully, Comic-Con has linked with sched.com so I could easily plan out my schedule and see what I have time for and what overlaps. This is just the general idea of all the things I want to try to see: 

Obviously, with the fact that waiting in line for most panels will take about 3 hours for things like Twlight and half hour for the author panels I'm not going to have a lot of time for anything else. My main goal is to check out the exhibit floor, meet with pubs, pick up ARCs, chat with fellow book lovers and also see all the crazy stuff that the other booths will have! If I only have time for that, I'll be happy. Although, I would LIKE to check out the author signings if I can :) 
Because I'm going to Comic-Con I'm not going to have a computer and I'll be MIA on the blog for awhile, other than what I schedule (which won't be much) so I hope you'll follow me on Twitter and make sure you check out all the awesomeness I tweet about!!!
Will you be going to Comic-Con this year? Are you dressing up (I'm not)? Have you been before? I'd love some tips and tricks you can share!!!