I Am Definitely an Anti-Semite of the Anti-Zionist Variety

Posted on the 05 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

Christoper writes:

Interesting that you should say that Jewish hatred is mainly a right wing thing when many people over here in Europe know that it is right-wingers who support Israel and lefties who support Palestine.

Sorry Robert but it’s nonsense to say that Jewish hatred is a only a right wing feeling.

There are indeed some leftwing anti-Semites. There are definitely some in Eastern Europe and Russia and it takes an odd form: “Jews destroyed the Soviet Union. Jews are responsible for Nazism.” Things like that. There are a few others here and there, but those are even less common. One thing you notice is that Left anti-Semites are so rare. The other thing you notice is that pretty soon they start cozying up with the Right, especially the Far Right.

Why? Because that’s where all the anti-Semites are, that’s why? Sooner or later the anti-Semitism takes hold of their Left orientation and they start actually moving to the Right. More than a few of them convert to Islam. Bottom line is that Left anti-Semites gradually either move right or cozy up with Rightists because as I note in my post, anti-Semitism is basically a rightwing ideology with some exceptions such as Arab Leftists and Arab Communists.

Most of those pro-Pallie leftwingers do not really hate Jews per se. They just hate Israel. Now there are many forms of anti-Semitism according Jews who dedicate their entire careers to studying this as a form of obsessive solipsism. The Jewish diagnosis of anti-Semitism is completely wrong of course. They say “Jews are always 100% innocent and anti-Semites are always 100% liars hating Jews for no reason.” But anyway, Jewish anti-Semitism researchers like the Roth Institute in Tel Aviv have done much good work in sorting out different forms of anti-Semitism (they are indeed many forms of Judeophobia) and reporting on incidents, trends and whatnot.

Supposedly there is now a form of anti-Semitism called Anti-Zionist anti-Semitism. This is surely valid when we are talking about many Arabs, especially Arab nationalist types. The best among of these types, if asked if they hate Jews, will respond something like:

Q: Do you hate Jews?
Arab nationalist: Well, I hate the ones squatting in Palestine. Darn right I do! Go back to Europe!
Q: What about the Jews outside of Palestine, living in other parts of the world, mostly in the West?
Arab nationalist: Are they living in Palestine? Well, they’re not part of the problem, are they?

Actually most of these types are a lot worse and have somehow managed to hate Jews period no matter where they are, not just the squatters in Palestine.

At any rate, I would say that I am very much an anti-Semite of the anti-Zionist variety according to modern definitions. My whole beef against the Jews is that they have subverted my country into a colony of a foreign power and have gotten us involved in a number of foreign wars to fight the enemies of the Jews in the Middle East. In the process, we and the Jews have pretty much set the whole region on fire with the help of quite a few other ugly parties of course. American Jews who are not part of this project to turn my country into an Israeli colony basically get a pass.

As you can see in my previous post, all of the other forms of anti-Semitism do not really resonate with me and mostly seem to be forms of rightwing ideology. Jew-hatred is just not a progressive thing. There’s literally nothing there for us. Sure, Jews are rather crazy and annoying, but that’s no reason to hate a man. Let him who is with stone, etc.

But for getting us involved in all these wars for them and setting the whole region on fire, I do not think I will ever forgive the Israelis or their Jewish supporters in the US. I will hate them for the rest of my life for that, and they deserve it.