I Am Catholic Because...

Posted on the 29 March 2013 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

... I was truly lost before and now am truly found.

... I can be in the presence of God regularly.

... I can regularly take confessional baths that make me incredibly clean and reconcile me to the Great Reconciler.

... I have become part of something solid, something ancient, something certain, something right.

... the gates of hell will not prevail against Catholicism and by extension, me.

... I want to be pushed toward greater charity, greater compassion, greater love because none of those things come naturally to me... quite the contrary.

... I have 2,000 years of one person after another having embraced Catholicism before me and who've encountered Christ in that embrace in nearly every conceivable way.

... I am convinced that the Holy Spirit leads this Church on earth and has led me back to her.

... Catholicism challenges my thinking, preempts my wrongheaded presuppositions, guides me toward truth... and to The Truth. 

... because when you're home, you know you're home... and I am home.

Inspired, in part, by Fr. Longenecker: