I Am a Tiger Mom, Hear Me Roar!

By Nicoleao @momfever

After reading Amy Chua’s book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Spoiled: Fresh Ideas For Parenting Your Entitled Child  I felt all inspired! For days I skulked around the house looking for an opportunity to release my inner Tigermom and do some serious parenting.

This morning finally an opportunity presented itself! I was at the shoestore to get my youngest son some new shoes for Summer. As soon as we walked in I saw a pair of sensible, brown Birkenstocks. And to make my cup réally runneth over, they were on sale! So I helped him try them on, and they fitted just fine.
‘I like those shoes with the flickering lights much better mommy,’ my son said, looking longingly at a pair of shoes that wore a price tag of 99 bucks.
‘Well that’s a shame, because you’re getting these brown ones,’ I told him, keeping my voice authoritively low and firm. And in my mind I joyfully checked:

  • Be the parent, not your kid’s friend
  • Be clear
  • Set boundaries
  • Acknowledge your kid’s feelings but let there be no doubt about who’s in charge

But I hadn’t counted on the shop clerk who apparently overheard my last words. She gave my son a look filled with pity, and kneeled in front of him. Then she took his hands into hers and asked him in gentle tones: ‘Which shoes would yóú like honey?’

Suddenly I didn’t feel like a succesfull tiger mom anymore, but more like a Bitch…