I-a-m B-a-c-k!

By Shugavery @ThinkIncognito

I am back, finally. This long hiatus has been necessary, really. I didn't think moving and finding my first job as well as my own pace in München could have made it so hard to just have the time to sit and reflect. I sincerely missed writing out there, but my absence also proved me that I have people that really care about Incognito which makes me proud. I just love the bonds I create thanks to this little space of mine and that is precisely why I felt so bad not being able to write out there.
So what's up now I am back?
The essence of the blog won't change, it will stay a place in which I share my point of view on fashion, culture, femininity and photography but with some little twists.

Photography has been part of my life for a little bit more than 6 years now. Writing about it here and on my Tumblr made me realize how it influences my perception of things and life. If not for photography I wouldn't have thought this deeply about my femininitySo far I didn't share a lot about my shootings because if I showed you my portfolio, you would think I spend my life naked. So pardon my nudity and bare with a nipple from here and there for the sake of telling you about my experience, my point of view and above all for the sake of having a good chat with you. Finally though this space is very egocentric, I will obviously keep on introducing you to great photographers, so keep an eye on Shoot That Thursday!

Picture by Alan Cat

I'm always talking about femininity and yet I didn't write that much in Le Petit Salon but I promise I'll be diligent!  I don't believe I am a feminist nonetheless I definitely love being a woman- except when I have a hormonal disorder that makes me feel like a pregnant woman minus the nine months thing- that is why you will hear more about the women inspiring me, burlesque and most probably about vapid girls' issues that caught my attention like why for an ad promoting a smartphone subscription I have to see when taking the tube the attractive and clever picture below.
I will also keep on with my Little Black Diary. I am absolutely not a palladin of black power and beauty, but I am convinced that sharing my point of view with you on my being French with cameroonian roots will lead to an interesting journey. Italy is sure not the most open-minded country when it comes to diversity but Germany is also surprising in its own way regarding melting-pot. It seems like here I can't just answer "I am French" when asked where I am from because then comes this one: "yeah but where are you originally from?" which is kind of a strange question to me since I AM and feel utterly French though my skin color obviously tells otherwise. I firmly believe that a skin color or slanting eyes (or whatever the physical aspect) cannot tell the whole story of an individual. Nowadays so many people have different backgrounds that I find it arguable to reduce a person to some physical specifities. Through this section I am talking about my own experience but I hope that people having different stories will also react. So to sum up my Little Black Diary, let me tell you: I am definitely much more than what I am embodying in the picture below.

Picture by Kfb

Finally, it was not possible not to mention fashion, did you forget? Incognito is a fashion blog! While I will keep on writing about how I perceive it I thought that now that I am working in this industry I should tell you about my current job. If you didn't know yet I am a fashion product editorIt's been three months I have started and I am learning a lot. I haven't studied anything related to fashion but it has been a passion of mine for some time now, however between having a huge interest for this world and working in it, there is a huge gap. Through my telling you about my tasks I just want to show you this leap I did. A new section is on the making, so stay tuned!

Ah, last but not least, I will now post once a week on the definite days of Incognito calendar that you can find here. In the days I won't post I'll try to stay active on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! So welcome back dear readers!