Husband Habits

By _jessismore @_jessismore

Having been married for 6 months, and co-habitating for over 5 years -- I know a thing or two about the hubs. 
Marriage can be fun, romantic, sprinkles and sunshine. You can also want to inflict bodily harm, or at least provide a disapproving head shake.especially when these happen... 
1. Clipping toenails in inappropriate locations around the house.  Ladies, is there anything more disgusting than that "clip...clip...clip" noise? 
2.  Finding things where they shouldn't belong... I will attribute this to what was likely a brain and actual fart. 

3.  Sink etiquette. If I am expected to clean up my makeup droppings, you are expected to clean up your toothpaste droppings. 

4.  Mood swings. Sometimes, like us lady-folk, they need a good vent session.  However, unlike us lady-folk, they don't have besties to confess that they are totes p-man-s-ing... This is a burden we must bear. 
5.  Selective hearing. Huh?  What?  You didn't tell me that. Whatever you do, do not suggest a hearing-exam... however necessary it may seem. 
Honorable mention also goes to mild OCD.  At least when it comes to Starburst candy. 

What are some of your husband or significant other's habits that drive you bonkers?