Hurricane Sandy – One Year Later

Posted on the 29 October 2013 by Harvey Cohen @cohenbattisti12

Hurricane season 2013 continues to roll on.  However, today’s date marks a tragic event in hurricane history.  Today, October 29, 2013, is the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy: the super storm the rocked the North East.

Not only were billions of dollars worth of damage and some 366,000 structures damaged during the storm, but an estimated 160 people in the United States lost their lives.  Many more lost their homes.  Today, there are still thousands of people who are still trying to get back to what they called home.

If you are in the restoration industry, you know it may be extremely difficult to get insurance companies to pay out during tragic events such as this.  In the state of Florida, law firms such as Cohen Battisti, Attorneys at Law know this well, and are here to make sure that insurance companies pay you (the restoration company) for the work you’ve done.

The Huffington Post has a great article featuring interactive before (destruction) and after (reconstruction) pictures with a slider to go back and forth between the images.  This is a screen shot of one of them.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post

Reports say that Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest US cyclone outside of the southern states since Hurricane Agnes of 1972.  The National Hurricane Center said the Sandy ranks of the second-costliest tropical cyclone on record, after Hurricane Katrina of 2005.

Hurricanes cannot be prevented, but you can prepare for them.  During hurricane season, always make sure that you have, and follow a hurricane checklist of some sort.  If you are a restoration company, make sure you get paid for your work by using an Assignment of Benefits contract.  Experienced law firms such as Cohen Battisti, Attorneys at Law are able to help you with this.

The North East took a hard hit, but they are getting back on their feet.  The battle still isn’t over though.