Humping DOGS Photobomb Helecopter News Crew!

By Hausofpaws @hausofpaws

Humping DOGS Photobomb Helecopter News Crew!

A DOG is spotted by chopper in a sedentary state, is a DOG Photobomb lurking close? | YouTube

When an alleged DOG fighting ring was identified over this home in Germantown, Pennsylvania, the authorities and media was there to investigate. News Chopper SkyForce 10 recently debuted its new news chopper, outfitted with a very high-definition camera that caught everything. You wouldn't believe what they caught on video with a photobomb DOG surprise!

Humping DOGS Photobomb Helecopter News Crew!

The scene of the alleged crime. Where are the DOGS? | YouTube

While WCAU, NBC affiliate, reporter Christine Maddela describes the scene from the news chopper, a zoom-in shot featuring a dog mounting another dominates the scene. 
“You can see that one dog is, um, chained up,” says Maddela as she pauses. To change the awkward moment, the camera quickly pans out and zooms to the front porch to find a very sedentary pooch. Watch how this DOG photobomb unfolds!

Humping DOGS Photobomb Helecopter News Crew!

Two Dogs are seen Live over Skyforce10 in a very explicit position | YouTube

VIDEO: Watch this DOG photobomb this news crew LIVE!